From 1991 to 2021

An account on being gay from the 90's to the present with a sex and drug addiction

Well, this is the start…

I now realise I cannot go back now. Episode One is out in the wild!! As I am my own host/podcasting provider etc – I still have that big red button and nuke the lot!

Yes, I am scared – as this is a very, very frank commentary on my life, but I hope that I can help just one person out there that has had similar experiences to me, as I said in 1991 – I can’t be the only one!

Over the next couple of weeks, I’m hoping to fill in the ‘Social Media’ blanks  – i.e. Instagram and TikTok  – so that I can publicise this more, just trying to figure out the ‘how’ surrounding those, but I will be keeping people posted via here.

Remember next episode will be out on 19th March – that doesn’t mean I’m going to be quiet on the social web before then!!!!

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