From 1991 to 2021

An account on being gay from the 90's to the present with a sex and drug addiction

What to expect from this site.

I have made some adjustments that both make the website more user friendly when the podcasts go live. Originally I was going to have the transcripts of the podcasts as normal blog posts – the problem with that, is they go in reverse order, and not only that, could get out of order depending on how WordPress feels on that day!

I have installed a plugin that enables the user to download the transcript of that episode. These are in PDF’s and can be downloaded directly from the site if you so wish. This also enables the blog posts being just that, blog posts on how well things are going with the podcast and what happens in the future.

I read something about that it also adds ‘engagement to your site’ – whatever that means!

So, as it stands from today:

  • All major podcasting channels have access to the podcast
  • You are able to download directly from here the podcast AND transcript.
  • There is a Twitter account that is associated with this website: @A90sTeen
  • The blog posts on this website are for upcoming news etc.

There was a VERY good reason why I gave myself three weeks leeway before the first episode!

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