From 1991 to 2021

An account on being gay from the 90's to the present with a sex and drug addiction

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  • In the press – 1993-1995

    Many thanks to Martin Weaver for pointing me to the British Library in regard to newspapers etc. I have found some snippets of how gay men and lesbians were portrayed in the tabloids at the time – interestingly, The Sun didn’t appear in any of my searches!!! So to begin with, The Sandwell Evening Mail […]

  • A curious problem I have….

    Preamble  – Normally I would put this kind of post on either my company website, or my personal blog, however, the issue is hitting this site/project, so I thought it best to put it here. This problem is very World Wide Web (WWW from heron) specific, as well as being Covid-19 specific too. I wanted […]

  • What I have done so far…

    Over the last couple of weeks, I have been sorting out photos for Instagram, as I wanted a visual interpretation of myself going from teenager to sex/drug addict to a 5-year clean man. I have done that, and they are ready for posting on the scheduled days of each episode. They will also be available […]

  • Episode 2 Photos

    Here are the photos that accompany Episode 2

  • Episode 1 Photos

    Here are the photos that accompany Episode 1

  • Did you know… in 1993?

    Did you know that Micheal Gove (yes the Conservative MP) used to be a BBC reporter? He was at my first London Pride reporting what the ‘demonstration’ was about. It is only recently that the media have called them Pride festivals, in the 90’s they were very much called  ‘Marches’ or ‘Demonstrations’ in the UK […]

  • A Video on YouTube about Pride in 1979

    The description from YouTube: I copied this text from Tom Robinson’s website:​… 1979 was a cusp year for gay people in the UK: the liberation movement that had started with the Stonewall Riots in America in 1969 – and Gay Liberation Front in Britain soon after – had snowballed to the extent that it […]

  • I now have Instagram Account!

    Yes, I have actually sorted out another social media account! So this is what should happen across all places: This website sends the new episodes across all the podcasting providers you see on this site. YouTube is also automatically scheduled. I will disclose the fact that ALL 30 years have been recorded, edited and scheduled […]

  • In the Press 1991 -1993

    As this is being retroactively posted  – I started this part of the site from Episode 2, rather than 1 (whoops) – Here is how the LGBT+ (well gay men in particular) community and AIDS was portrayed in the British Press at the time. As these are pre-internet days, I am using The British newspaper […]

  • Well, this is the start…

    I now realise I cannot go back now. Episode One is out in the wild!! As I am my own host/podcasting provider etc – I still have that big red button and nuke the lot! Yes, I am scared – as this is a very, very frank commentary on my life, but I hope that […]

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